Dartmoor Rivers MUSIC (2018)


Dartmoor Rivers Music was a music composition project for young people, inspired by the rivers of Dartmoor and  funded by a grant from the Michael Tippet Musical Foundation.

What's it about?

Dartmoor Rivers Music formed part of Dartmoor Rivers, and supplied music for some of the plays. 

The music part of this project took inspiration from Dartmoor Rivers and included a session recording underwater sounds of streams and waterfalls, alongside a number of workshops when the young people learned about various composing techniques, notably one from Gerard McBurney (former Artistic Programming Advisor for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra), together with workshops from Trefor Farrow, conductor of the Collati Singers and the Damerel Belles, and from  Gillian Webster, MED Theatre’s music mentor. The music strand was supported by a grant from the Michael Tippett Musical Foundation.

Performance dates

The dates of the performances were :

December 7th 2018