HOT AIR (2008)

An environmental comedy on dartmoor

MED Theatre’s 2008 community play Hot Air was an environmental comedy, set during an outdoor party on the moor. The party quickly abandons polite conversation and a heated debate breaks out about the origins of global warming, its likely impact on the local community, and the rights and wrongs behind wind farms and other available solutions.

Written by Mark Beeson, this production continued MED Theatre’s long-running tradition of responsive drama about rural issues. Other examples have included The Swallows (1987), which explored the lack of affordable housing in Devon (and later transferred to Radio 4), and The Bees (1992) which explored the conflict between rural employment and landscape conservation.


As well as playing witness to this debate, Hot Air invited audience members to join in. The play was followed by an interactive period of discussion with the characters, led by a facilitator, and concluded with a vote.

production photos

Performance dates

The dates of the performances were :

  • 7th March, Manaton Parish Hall
  • 8th March, Octagon Theatre, Okehampton
  • 11th March, Coombeshead Theatre
  • 12th March, Roborough Studios, Exeter University
  • 14th and 15th March, Moretonhampstead Parish Hall