The Logan Rock (2006), by Heather Holcroft-Pinn, follows a girl named Kitty who holds a special bond with The Logan Rock. When the rock falls, Kitty also falls into despair… The play included musical, dramatic and dance based pieces.
Other work from this series included The Fire Dancers by Samantha Truckle; Untitled by Matthew Holding; a dance piece, Dream, choreographed by Alice Geddes, Sarah Sweatman and Emily Wyse; and also The Dove and The Spring by Teresa Hellyer and Lilly Fell.
The Logan Rock (and Other Plays) (2006) was the culmination of a creative project funded by the Local Network Fund. Workshops were held throughout the preceding year and included Playwriting led by Mark Beeson, Drama by Mark Beeson, Music by Gerard McBurney (of Complicite) and Gillian Webster, Dance by Rosalyn Maynard and Video by Amanda Brown.